I know I’m a little late to ring in the new year, but I’ve always been a bit slow at transitioning. It takes me a few weeks to warm up to 2015 and to stop writing 2014 on everything at the office. Maybe this is partially due to the fact that I don’t make New […]

The Lasagna Quest

Because I’m hungry and thinking of Florence, here’s a little story about lasagna: Seven years ago in Florence, Italy I ate the best plate of lasagna in my life. I was sitting on a wooden bench across from a pair of middle aged Italian housewives enjoying a quick meal and an elderly Italian man to […]

Easter in the Duomo: A moment for spirituality

Michael and I were on our honeymoon in Italy and had started out our trip in Florence. Although Florence is one of the most touristy towns in a country that snags over 46.1 billion tourists a year, I can’t help but love it. The town is absolutely beautiful and you can’t walk five feet without stumbling across a bit of classical statuary, a mathematically perfect building, an amazing Italian restaurant (but really, what Italian restaurant isn’t amazing?) or a gelato stand. If the townspeople had had the presence of mind to throw a grand medieval castle into the mix I would dub Firenze heaven on earth and you would never hear from me again.

Armchair Traveller

For the next week it’s just me and this little lady while Michael takes a much-needed vacation to Big Sur. Being a full-time daddy ain’t an easy job and there’s no benefits package or sick leave. Thus, whenever I’m home for a good while and the opportunity arises he heads for the hills. Or, in […]